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Information for Parents during COVID19 Pandemic

Due to  the current global COVID 19 situation we are following all Government protocols and best practices at all our venues – Racquet Club, Sukhumvit 39, Yenakart, Udomsuk and Goethe. In addition we have made a number of changes to esure all Bangkok Dolphins venues continue to remain safe. All our venues continue to undergo deep cleaning daily and while we always pride ourselves on cleanliness and safety at Bangkok Dolphins, we will continue with additional safety precautions and measures.

Some of these measures have been mandated by the Government and some we developed from our ‘Back to Swimming’ survey that had a great response. We have answered a lot of the questions posed by parents and outlined our changes in the FAQ section below.

Although there is no evidence the COVID19 virus can be transmitted in a properly maintained pool, we will continue to use a salt water chlorinator in all our pools and process the entire pool water through the filters and treatment plant every hour further sanitising the water. This is double the recommended rate for commercial pools and will provide the safest swimming environment in Bangkok.


We will be limiting the number of students in a class at Bangkok Dolphins to comply with social distancing guidelines and give everyone a little more space to enjoy the water. We request that people respect social distancing at all times.

We will be taking the temperature of every person who enters our facilities. Gates will be left open so no handles need to be touched. Additionally, all clients to our pools will be logged with an entry and exit time in accordance with guidelines set by the government.

As always we check the PH and Chlorine levels of each pool every hour manually and digitally in an effort to provide the safest swimming environment in Bangkok.

Additionally we will continue to use a salt water chlorinator in all our pools and process the entire pool water through the filters and treatment plant every hour further sanitising the water. This is double the recommended rate for commercial pools.

We will undertake more frequent cleanings of public areas and the equipment we use with hospital grade disinfectant including daily after-hours deep cleaning sanitation.

Our team of dedicated coaches have come up with new lesson plans to help with social distancing within the pool.

Children are not required to wear a face mask in the pool. Parents who are in the pool for child and parent classes are required to wear a face mask.

Every staff member will be temperature checked daily and adhere to strict hygienic practises as recommended by the W.H.O.